Fat Transfer to Breast
in Salt Lake City, UT
If you are looking for a breast augmentation option that truly produces natural-looking results, there’s no better choice than a breast fat transfer. Envision Cosmetic Surgery is proud to offer this and other breast surgeries to women living in and around Salt Lake City, UT.
Get Fuller Breasts In Murray, UT
Though practiced in Europe for a number of years, fat grafting, or fat transfer, to the breasts for augmentation purposes has been uncommon in the United States. As fat grafting has obtained more attention, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons formed a task force to determine its safety. The task force relied on study and expert opinion to make its decision. In the summer of 2009, they released their conclusions that though more research is needed, it appeared that fat grafting to the breasts was safe.
The practice of fat transfer for volume correction has been performed for some time. Fat has been used for buttock augmentation and to improve scarring or to fill out depressions from trauma or surgery. The concern about using fat in the breasts stemmed from the calcifications left behind when some of the fat is re-absorbed. Mammograms detect cancer by noting the calcifications cancer produces on the x-rays. It has become increasingly clear, however, that the calcifications from cancer and the calcifications from fat transfer appear very different.
![Fat Transfer to Breast in Salt Lake City, UT](https://www.envisionsurgery.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/BreastReconstruction_Image.png)
How Is A Fat Graft Performed
Fat is collected by liposuction before re-injecting it into the target area. Thus another benefit of fat grafting is contour improvement in the donor area. Because fat is a living substance, it must establish a new blood supply where it is injected. Before this can occur, typically 30 to 50% is re-absorbed by the body. Hence fat grafting is less predictable than implant placement when it comes to final breast size.
The surgery itself is usually performed with the patients sedated or asleep. It will likely take two to three hours to perform. The majority of the swelling is gone in one to two weeks but changes can continue up to two months. Differences may exist between the breasts may exist before surgery and may persist after surgery as well. The benefits of larger breasts and better contour somewhere else leave patients thrilled.
Breast Augmentation With Fat Grafting:
Breast augmentation or enhancement with fat grafting is when fat is taken from some area on the body by way of liposuction then injected into the breasts. Usually a cup size increase is possible even though the body absorbs some of the fat. Many Utah patients have found fat-grafting to be a perfect fit.
Why Get Enhancement By Fat Grafting Instead Of An Implant?
Some patients are extremely concerned about putting non-natural substances in the body. Since fat is natural, these patients sleep better at night knowing their breasts are all natural. Another good reason for fat grafting to the breasts is if you are primarily interested in liposuction but wouldn’t mind having slightly bigger breasts.
Am I A Good Candidate For Fat Transfer?
Patients who like the general shape of their breasts but simply want them a little larger are good candidates for fat transfer. If lift is wanted or an increase of more than one-cup size Dr. Dunkley suggests implants would be a better option.
Where Does The Fat Come From When Fat Is Transferred?
Fat for fat grafting is taken from any place there is extra on the body. Common areas to take fat from are the abdomen, back, legs and arms. The fat is obtained by liposuction, so patients get the benefit of an improved contour where the fat is taken from as well as the enhanced size of the breasts.
How Much Does A Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer Cost?
Fat grafting is priced according to the number of areas where liposuction is performed plus a transfer fee. Expense increases when two or more areas are treated with liposuction. The collected fat is processed and loaded into syringes before being injected into it’s new home.
What Is The Recovery Period For Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer?
Recovery for fat grafting to the breasts is essentially the recovery for liposuction. The breasts hurt very little. The discomfort from liposuction increases with the number of areas treated. Most patients treated in our Salt Lake City clinic return to their normal activities in 5-7 days. You will need to wear a surgical bar and compression garment for a short period of time.
Final Thoughts
Fat grafting is a great option for those seeking a small increase in size or a natural alternative to breast implants. Come talk to Dr. Dunkley at Envision Cosmetic Surgery if you wonder if this procedure is right for you. Click to view Before & After images of breast augmentation with fat grafting. You can also read more about this procedure and Envision Cosmetic Surgery’s other services on our blog.
If you’re considering a breast fat transfer at Envision Cosmetic Surgery, contact us today to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Dunkley and get started with treatment. We welcome patients from Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming and the areas surrounding Salt Lake City, Utah.