Breast Augmentation
in Salt Lake City, UT
The breast augmentation procedure is the single most commonly performed cosmetic surgery in the country. At Envision Cosmetic Surgery, we are proud to offer a range of breast augmentation options to help patients in and around Salt Lake City, UT, achieve their cosmetic goals.
For Ideal Breast Size & Shape
Ideal breast size and shape varies from woman to woman in the Salt Lake Valley. Some women have never been satisfied with the size or shape of their breasts. Other have seen their breasts change with pregnancy, breastfeeding or through substantial weight loss. For all, the remedy can be breast augmentation. Dr Dunkely offers breast enhancement with implants or with a patient’s own fat.
What Is Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammaplasty, makes use of either fat or breast implants to increase breast size and improve shape. This surgery may be to restore the natural breast volume that has been lost due to pregnancy or significant weight reduction. Alternately, it may be done when a woman desires larger, fuller breasts.

What Are The Benefits Of Breast Augmentation?
In simplest terms, the benefit of breast augmentation is a better looking breast. Breast augmentation is often referred to as breast enhancement because of improvements in shape and contour. Dr. Dunkley recommends breast augmentation to patients wanting enhanced projection and upper breast fullness. Augmentation not only improves a woman’s figure but often enhances her self-image.
Before & After Pictures

Who Are Good Candidates For Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation has no age limitations. Whether recently developed or more mature, women in good health who desire to change their breasts are candidates for surgery. Breast enhancement is right for women who:
- Think that their breasts are too small for their body
- Are self-conscious when wearing form-fitting clothes or bikinis
- Have breasts that have become less firm and smaller due to pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Have breasts that have shrunk in size due to significant weight loss
- Have one breast that is obviously smaller than the other
Wonder if breast augmentation is right for you? Don’t bother. Realistic expectations are good, but expect to be thrilled with your breasts.
How Is Breast Augmentation With Implants Done?
The typical method of breast augmentation involves inserting breast implants, either saline or silicone, into a prepared pocket. In these surgeries, Dr. Dunkley creates an incision in the breast, either in the crease on the underside of the breast or at the areola. A pocket is then created under the breast tissue and muscle to make room for the implant. Silicone implants are inserted filled, so the incision needs to be slightly larger than for saline implants, which are filled once in place in the pocket.
How Is Breast Augmentation Through Fat Transfer Performed?
Autologous fat transfer, which simply means “the patient’s own fat,” is another method of breast enhancement. Unwanted fat is removed through liposuction from other areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, back or buttocks. That harvested fat is then filtered, and injected into the breasts to make them fuller.
What Results Can I Expect From A Breast Augmentation Procedure?
Breast augmentation results are long lasting. Implants have a lifetime warranty, though patient’s must still monitor implants regularly. Even after augmentation, breasts may change due to factors such as aging, gravity, childbirth, and weight loss or gain. However, what patients report most is being thrilled with their breasts for years and years.
What Our Patients Are Saying
What Is The Difference Between Saline And Silicone Breast Implants?
Both saline and silicone implants have a silicone shell. The difference is in what fills the implants. A saline implant is filled with saline solution, the same that is used for IV’s. Thus, if the implant ruptures, the body absorbs the saline and the breast shrinks or deflates. A silicone implant is filled with a silicone gel. The silicone has improved with time. The current silicone is called “cohesive” meaning it holds to itself. An implant outside the body can be cut in half without the silicone going anywhere. If a silicone implant ruptures, you would likely not know as it would stay in the scar tissue that forms around the implant.
Both implants have advantages and disadvantages. Saline implants are less expensive and empty when we put them into position so they can be placed through smaller incision. However, saline implants ripple more and do not feel as natural. Silicone implants are filled when we put them in place and therefore need a larger incision. However, silicone implants ripple less and feel more natural. Both implants will give you a natural appearance although if you have little natural breast tissue, rippling is sometimes visible.
Can I Still Breast Feed After Breast Augmentation?
The majority of women can breast feed after having implants. The ability to breast feed is affected by the choice of incision site. An incision in the crease under the breasts doesn’t go through any breast tissue. The tissue is lifted up and the implant is placed underneath. A peri-areolar incision (next to the areola) does go through the breast tissue, which can affect breast feeding more. Just having implants makes it difficult for one in five to breast-feed even if the tissue is left intact.
Do I Have To Change My Breast Implants Every 10 Years?
Breast implants do not have to be changed every 10 years. You are free to keep a breast implant until you are unhappy with the shape of the breast, the implant ruptures or you have some problem with the implant. Implants carry a lifetime warranty. For the first 10 years the implant companies are so confident in their implants that they will even pay part of the surgeon’s replacement fees if an implant deflates. Patients should expect to change their implants at some point during their life. Usually patients elect to change their implants because they become unhappy with the shape. As a breast ages it typically loses natural tissue and droops leading to the desire to get a repeat augmentation.
Contact us today to schedule your consultation for a breast augmentation at Envision Cosmetic Surgery. You can discuss your goals with Dr. Dunkley so that you can plan out the perfect treatment approach. We serve the residents of Salt Lake City, Utah, and the nearby areas of Wyoming, Idaho and Colorado.