Chin Implant Surgery
in Salt Lake City, UT
The chin plays a surprisingly large role in the overall appearance of the face, and therefore, many people consider chin implants to enhance their facial profile. At Envision Cosmetic Surgery, we offer this and other facial surgery procedures to the residents of Salt Lake City, UT.
A strong profile seems to exude confidence. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with that perfect silhouette. If you hate taking pictures because it seems you have a weak chin, then perhaps a chin implant from Dr. Dunkley may be right for you.

What Is A Chin Implant?
A chin implant is the placement of some object under the skin over the prominence of the chin to supplement how forward and down the chin projects. The implant is usually placed next to the bone and secured into place with a suture or screw.
Where Is A Chin Implant Put In?
A chin implant can be placed through an incision inside the lower lip or under the chin. Under the chin is a more common place to insert the implant. Certain nerves come out of the bone below the canine teeth which must be avoided to prevent the lower lip from being numb.
What Happens The Day Of Surgery For A Chin Implant?
The day of surgery, you meet with Dr Dunkley and his surgical team. Once in the OR, an IV is started and medicines are given to get you to sleep. Injections are placed under the chin and along the jawline to numb the area. A pocket is created and the implant placed. The incision is closed. The procedure takes about an hour. You wake up in the recovery room feeling better than you’d expect.
Who Is A Good Candidates For A Chin Implant?
Dr. Dunkley explains to his patients the need for a chin implant is typically determined by where the chin sits in relationship to the lip when the head is in a neutral position. If a line is dropped from the lower lip and the chin is behind the line, an implant will be beneficial. Patient’s need to be in good overall health so they can have surgery.
What Can I Expect After My Chin Implant?
Recovering from chin implant surgery is fairly simple. Strenuous or sports activities should be avoided to prevent injuring the surgery site or causing bleeding. The surgery itself is relatively pain-free. Ice the first day may help reduce overall swelling. Within 5-7 days you should be back to work and able to interact with others without them knowing you recently had surgery.
Chin Implant Before & After
Click here to view Before & After pictures of this procedure.
If you’d like to get started with chin implant surgery at Envision Cosmetic Surgery, contact us today. We’ll help you schedule a consultation with Dr. Dunkley so that you can discuss your treatment goals. We serve the residents of Salt Lake City, UT, and the surrounding areas of Wyoming, Colorado and Idaho.