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Tummy Tuck

in Salt Lake City, UT


The stomach is scientifically one of the most difficult areas to enhance with only diet and exercise. A tummy tuck can help you eliminate sagging skin and achieve the firm, toned stomach that you deserve. Envision Cosmetic Surgery offers this procedure to the residents of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Procedure Is Performed In Salt Lake City At The Murray Clinic.

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a popular plastic surgery procedure for improving the integrity and appearance of the abdomen. Pregnancy or significant weight change can cause women to lose their slim abdominal contour; a tummy tuck will reverse these changes.

What Is A Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a procedure to remove excess skin and fat on the abdomen. During the procedure, the muscles of the abdomen are tightened as well. A standard tummy tuck leaves a low hip to hip incision as well as an incision around the belly button.

A mini tummy tuck improves the upper abdomen much less but leaves only the lower incision. The result is a stronger core, flatter tummy and improved contour or more of an hourglass shape.

Tummy Tuck in Salt Lake City, UT

Who Is A Good Candidate For A Tummy Tuck?

Patients whose abdomens have sagged and drooped due to aging or pregnancy are good candidates for a tummy tuck. If the gym or weight loss hasn’t tightened your abdominal skin despite all efforts, the skin may simply be too damaged. Patients need to be in good health to have a tummy tuck. Sometimes a note from your physician is needed when multiple health problems are present.

What Problems Can A Tummy Tuck Address?

Dr. Dunkley advises his Salt Lake City patients to consider a tummy tuck when the skin is loose and hangs. Stretch marks present below the belly button are usually removed with this procedure. if excess abdominal skin and fat hasn’t responded to diet and exercise or is preventing exercise because its in the way or makes you self-conscious, a tummy tuck will help.

Tummy Tuck Before & After

Tummy Tuck Before and After Pictures Salt Lake City, UT

How Can I Prepare For A Tummy Tuck?

An abdominoplasty is a major surgery. It is also important to prepare your home for your return following surgery. Moving around will be difficult at first. A recliner is often the best place to sleep the first few days. Arrange to have someone drive you to and from the procedure and stay with you the first few days at home. Smoking impedes blood circulation and the healing process. You will be asked to quit three weeks before surgery. If you have multiple medical conditions, Dr Dunkley may need a note from your regular doctor stating you are healthy enough for surgery.

What Can I Expect On The Day Of My Tummy Tuck?

You will meet the surgical team. Dr Dunkley will speak to you and place marks on the abdomen to guide surgery. Once in the operating suite, you are given anesthesia and go to sleep. You awake in the recovery room and stay until the anesthesia was worn off. At first, you may not be able to stand straight when you walk.

Before & After Pictures

What Can I Expect During My Recovery From A Tummy Tuck?

Expect to be very sore after a tummy tuck, but also amazed how good you look, even the first day after your procedure. Dressings will be removed the next day. The abdominal binder is worn for six weeks. Swelling dissipates over the first few weeks. Usual daily activities are possible in two weeks though strenuous activity should be avoided until four weeks out from surgery. The tummy will be flatter than its ever been or has been in a long while.


What Is The Difference Between A Mini And Standard Tummy Tuck?

A mini tummy tuck removes a small amount of skin below the belly button. During the procedure two vertical muscles called the rectus abdominus muscles are exposed and sewn back together in the midline from the belly button to the incision line. The belly button is not affected other than getting a slight downward pull.

A standard tummy tuck removes all the skin between the pubic hair and the belly button. An incision is made around the belly button and it is left attached to the muscle layer. The skin above the belly button is elevated up to the ribs. While the skin is free, the rectus abdominus muscles are sewn together from the ribs to the pubic area. The skin is pulled down to the pubic area resulting in a low incision that spans from hip to hip. A new opening is created for the belly button and it is sewn into place. The belly button isn’t really “moved” but it will look different and have an incision all the way around it. A standard tummy tuck allows much more skin to be removed and more shaping and tightening of the abdomen. A mini tummy tuck is appropriate for a select few people. Any amount of hanging skin disqualifies one for a mini tummy tuck.

Can I Get Pregnant After A Tummy Tuck?

You can get pregnant after having a tummy tuck and have a safe pregnancy. Pregnancy can undo some of the improvements made to the stomach when the tummy tuck was performed. For example, during a tummy tuck the rectus abdominus muscles (two vertical muscles in the central abdomen) are cinched back together in the midline. When you are pregnant these can be stretched apart again and never return to the tightened position after pregnancy.

The Younger You: Tummy Tuck

What Our Patients Are Saying

If you’re ready to get started with your tummy tuck procedure, contact us today to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Dunkley and begin planning your treatment. Envision Cosmetic Surgery offers this treatment to men and women living in and around Salt Lake City, Utah, including those in Wyoming, Idaho and Colorado.